2024年度後期HiSEP 基礎セミナー (2024.12.13 サンアンドレス大学 Subieta 先生) 開催のお知らせ

HiSEP 基礎セミナーでは、以下のように宇宙物理学(実験)分野から、南米ボリビア・国立サンアンドレス大学物理学研究所 Martin SubietaさんによるZOOMリモート英語セミナーを企画しました。世界最高地5200mの宇宙物理観測所の生い立ちから気象学・生命環境系の研究の拠点として現在も活用されている同観測所について、また将来の姿を語っていただく予定です。わかりやすい内容と英語でのセミナーですので、学部を問わず、関心ある学生の皆さんの参加を歓迎します(直接教室にどうぞ)。


■セミナータイトル Chacaltaya Observatory: past, present and future
■講師 Martin Subieta

Insituto de Investigaciones Fisicas, Univ. Mayor de San Andres, La Paz Bolivia

■セミナー概要 The Chacaltaya Cosmic Physics Laboratory has 72 years of experience in high-level scientific research. Throughout its scientific trajectory, it has made significant contributions to the fields of nuclear physics, cosmic ray physics, astronomy, and atmospheric physics. Since 2017, it has been engaged in a new international collaborative project known by its acronym in English: Andes Large Area PArticle Detector for Cosmic Ray Physics and Astronomy (ALPACA). This project is dedicated to fundamental research in the fields of cosmic rays and high-energy astronomy. Within this context, the project will lead to the establishment of the first gamma-ray observatory in the Southern Hemisphere. Currently, efforts are underway to launch the observatory and complete its complex infrastructure. This ambitious project involves collaboration with universities and research institutes from Japan, including the University of Tokyo and the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR).
Additionally, last year in September, the Chacaltaya Cosmic Physics Laboratory became the highest global climate station in the world for climate change monitoring. This achievement, recognized by international organizations such as the United Nations and the International Meteorology Center, is the result of more than a decade of high-level scientific work carried out by researchers at Chacaltaya in collaboration with international peers. This includes partnerships with universities and research institutes from Europe, such as the University of Grenoble in France.In this context, the Chacaltaya Cosmic Physics Laboratory is entering a new era of fundamental and applied research. The scientific knowledge that will be developed in the coming decades will significantly contribute to the fields of atmospheric and climate sciences, as well as cosmic ray physics and space weather. This topics will be discuss during this talk entitled: Chacaltaya Observatory: past, present and future.
■日時 2024年12月13日(金) 10:40-12:10(2限)
■会場 理学部2号館2F 9番教室