

以下のセミナーの開催案内です。講師のアンチャリー先生(タイ・カセサート大)は2022年1月20日にHiSEP基礎セミナー内で特別セミナーをご担当いただきました。1年ぶりの対面でのセミナーですので、都合つく皆さんは是非参加ください。 HiSEP支援室

日時:2023年 3月27日(月) 13:30-14:50   場所:理学部3号館2階11番教室

講師:Dr. Anchalee Sirikhachornkit, Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Thailand

演題:Light and heat stress responses – lessons from natural strains of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

要旨:As a result of climate change, fluctuations in light intensity and temperature have a deleterious impact on photosynthetic organisms. Natural differences within a species that result in distinct phenotypes can aid in identifying significant genes and pathways that are essential for high light and heat acclimation. Yet, studies using natural variations in plants are still inconclusive due to differences in plant age, tissue types, cultivation methods, and applied stress regimens. To resolve this discrepancy, the single-celled green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was used as a model system to investigate the response of natural strains to high light and heat stress. The results demonstrated that natural strains of this alga exhibited varying degrees of light and heat sensitivity. Surprisingly, comparisons between a high light resistant strain and a high light sensitive strain revealed that well-known protective mechanisms such as the adjustment of antenna size, non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), and the ability to eliminate reactive oxygen species (ROS) did not differ significantly. Proteomic data suggested that it is the ability to form aggregates and palmelloid colonies that is crucial to cell survival under high light in the resistant strain. It has been proposed that this ability is linked to signaling molecules secreted. In addition to light tolerance, Chlamydomonas can also acclimate to high temperatures, which might also be controlled by signaling molecules. These results support the idea that single-celled algae live as a community and that cell-to-cell communication contributes to their survival in the wild.

